Let’s face it, we knew the Democrats
would look for a chance to attack President Trump during this crisis.
But we didn’t expect them to move so soon.
The country continues to reel from the
pandemic. Millions of Americans are suffering—both medically and
financially. But what is Adam Schiff doing? Putting together a new
He’s been talking about this for weeks, but now he’s about to move ahead with his plans. And he’s got the support of two high-profile Democrat senators.
From Fox News:
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff and Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris announced legislation Friday that would create a bipartisan 9/11-style commission to probe the federal government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic in the U.S.
Boy, this is rich. Adam Schiff is
joining with liberal senators Feinstein and Harris to push for a
9/11-style commission to investigate the government’s response to the
virus pandemic.
Hey, I’m all for a probe—so we can prevent future crises. But look who’s behind this scheme?
Two Senate Democrats and the man who pushed impeachment!
They claim this commission will be “bipartisan.” Then why didn’t they approach a single Republican to c0-sponsor the bill?
Schiff said this isn’t about casting “blame.” M-hm. Are you buying that?
Feinstein accuses the government of being slow “to respond to a major outbreak.” Why was that?
What was the government doing during the crucial months of December, January, and February?
Oh, they were busy pushing impeachment—forcing the Senate to put up with the left’s show trial.
I find it pretty ridiculous that three
Democrats want a probe. This was the party that ignored the crisis as it
grew overseas and forced the country to focus on a meaningless
Are these liberals just trying to cover
up their own failings? Do they think this trumped-up commission is going
to be the nail in Trump’s coffin?
Remember, it was President Trump who
was moving to confront the virus way back in January. He declared a
national health emergency, formed a task force, and shut the border to
He did all that, while Democrat House managers tried to convince the Senate to remove him from office.
Maybe these Democrats should
spend more time on ending this crisis? How about looking into providing
more relief for small businesses the government forced closed?
The left has been trying to hurt Trump
through this entire situation. But his approval has only gone up. Maybe
they need to change tactics?
SHARE if you stand against an investigation into Trump’s virus response!
Source: Fox News